What I'm announcing
Today I'm happy to announce the public unveiling of Which Film
[http://which-film.info/]! I'll discuss how the site came about and what drives
Back in February I started taking a serious look at asynchronous I/O thanks to
async/await. One of the things that led to me to looking into this area was when
Why the hell do I care about security?
Bad people exist out there; it sucks, but there it is. That means you need to
take precautionary measures to make sure that bad people
Over on python-ideas [https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-ideas] a
discussion has broken out about somehow trying to make p'/some/path/to/a/file
return an instance of pathlib.Path
[This blog post has been sitting as a draft for months, and I'm finally
finishing while at home sick; sorry if that makes it a little less coherent
compared to my