Ever since WhatsApp announced their web app, I have seen various people complain
about having to keep your phone on to send messages. But in all of these posts
people seem to be
My mother-in-law has a cousin she likes to talk to. Because I like to simplify
my tech support requirements by standardizing my entire family on a single
platform when possible, all of my
Today I committed a heavily updated version of the Python 2/3 porting HOWTO
[https://docs.python.org/3.5/howto/pyporting.html]. Basically the doc has
shifted from suggesting you use 2to3
When Python 2.7.9rc1 was released, I shared the news
[https://plus.google.com/+Python/posts/hCqdZbrTZw8] through the +Python
[https://plus.google.com/+Python/] Google+ account. Comments on the post ranged
My good friend Paul [http://paulralph.name/] is about to start playing Destiny
[http://www.destinythegame.com/ca/en]with me on the ps4
[http://www.playstation.com/en-us/explore/ps4/], so I