A co-worker recently gave a talk that explained how Bitcoin
[https://bitcoin.org/en/] worked and it was interesting to hear how you should
protect your bitcoins. When you think of cash, it&
With the assumption that everyone in my family has a smartphone of some kind
[http://nothingbutsnark.svbtle.com/what-phones-my-family-should-buy], the
question becomes whether members of my family should buy a laptop
UPDATED on 2014-03-28
When it comes to phones I advise my family to buy (in order of preference):
0. The latest Google Nexus [http://www.google.ca/nexus/] phone from Google
Depending on which government body is talking
[http://www.michaelgeist.ca/content/view/7086/125/], Canada is aiming for either
100% broadband access by the end of 2014 or 77% broadband subscriptions by
With the purchasing of WhatsApp for $19 billion
, the visibility of the various messaging apps has been raised (e.g. WhatsApp