While writing my blog post on 4K UHD TVs
[http://nothingbutsnark.svbtle.com/what-uhd-tvs-means-maybe] I started to go off
on a tangent about what it would take for physical media to become obsolete
Now that CES 2014 is over, one of the obvious themes of the show was 4K UHD
[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/4K_UHDTV] televisions. Being somewhat of an AV nut
(as demonstrated
Scala is fine and I would definitely use it over vanilla Java, but I still prefer Go if I'm not able to use Python.
My Impressions
Why did I
The idea of making the planet harder to live on because I and my fellow human
beings can't keep their fossil fuel burning under control feels like children
who are addicted
I have been involved with Python’s development process
[http://docs.python.org/devguide/] as an official core developer of the language
for a decade over Python’s 24 years in existence and