is the Ellipsis singleton.
Shortest syntactic sugar blog post [https://snarky.ca/tag/syntactic-sugar/] I
have written. 😁
In this post of my syntactic sugar series, I want to tackle literals. Now some literals don't really require any code changes and are really just an alternative way to write
For the next post in my syntactic sugar series
[https://snarky.ca/tag/syntactic-sugar/] I want to cover subscriptions
[https://docs.python.org/3.8/reference/expressions.html#subscriptions]. It's
As part of my series on Python's syntax [https://snarky.ca/tag/syntactic-sugar/]
, I want to tackle the from clause for raise statements
In the last post [https://snarky.ca/unravelling-elif-else-from-if-statements/]
of my syntactic sugar series [https://snarky.ca/tag/syntactic-sugar/], I showed
how you can get away with not having elif and else clauses on