(If you would prefer to watch a 30 minute talk on this same content, you can
watch my Python US 2018 keynote [https://youtu.be/tzFWz5fiVKU?t=48m55s])
Who am I? [1]
To gain commit rights on CPython, a pre-existing core developer nominates your
for commit rights to python-committers. That nominator lays out roughly why you
should be given commit rights, and then promises to
During his PyCon US 2015 keynote, Guido stated that we "[wanted] at least two
femail core devs [https://youtu.be/G-uKNd5TSBw?t=13m40s]" by PyCon US 2016.
Guido, Raymond Hettinger, and
On October 1, 2016, I stopped volunteering for open source projects -- including
Python -- for a month. While I still did open source work for Python as part of
my job, I
Over the past month I have become aware of multiple people either stepping away
from open source or trying to figure out how not to burn out from it [1