Over on python-ideas [https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-ideas] a
discussion has broken out about somehow trying to make p'/some/path/to/a/file
return an instance of pathlib.Path
[This blog post has been sitting as a draft for months, and I'm finally
finishing while at home sick; sorry if that makes it a little less coherent
compared to my
Being a core developer of Python [https://www.python.org/] has made me want to
understand how the language generally works. I realize there will always be
obscure corners where I don'
I asked on Twitter if people would be interested
[https://twitter.com/brettsky/status/687053299204272128] in having me write down
the history behind my decision to choose GitHub for Python's future
After writing my post on why Python 3 exists [https://snarky.ca/why-python-3-exists]
which included an explanation about the most common question/complaint about why
Python 3 forced textual and binary data into