On April 30, 2018, https://xkcd.com/1987/ got published. This wasn't the first
time that Randall Munroe posted about Python (probably the most famous comic was
his import antigravity one
(If you would prefer to watch a 30 minute talk on this same content, you can
watch my Python US 2018 keynote [https://youtu.be/tzFWz5fiVKU?t=48m55s])
Who am I? [1]
[Please note that the code in this blog post is now up on PyPI as part of the
modutil library [https://pypi.org/project/modutil/]]
One of the new features in Python 3.
There was a question at work about what the most popular Docker container image
for running Python code was? I didn't have an answer, so I asked on Twitter to